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Unlock Exclusive Perks with Our Membership Rewards Program!

FAQ Section
Can I use the membership discounts both in-store and online?
Yes! All membership discounts, including the 10% off ammo and accessories, can be applied in-store and online for your convenience.
How do I cancel my membership?
To cancel, simply notify us at least 30 days before your next renewal date. This ensures your membership does not auto-renew for the following month.
What happens if I cancel my membership?
If you cancel, you’ll retain all membership benefits until the end of your current billing period. After that, you will no longer have access to exclusive perks, discounts, and entries.
How do I use my benefits online?
Your membership perks, such as discounts and automatic giveaway entries, are automatically applied when you log into your account and shop online.
Are the exclusive benefits transferable?
Membership benefits are non-transferable and are tied to your account only.
How do I contact you for support?
For questions or assistance, please contact us via email at Info@brassdepot.com or visit our store, and we’ll be happy to help.